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Grow tips from Ancestral Seeds


Starting seeds:

Simply place seed into a pencil diameter hole about a 1/4”-1/2” deep in well drained, moist soil. A beer cup sized container with drainage holes, is perfect for starting seeds. Keep soil moist and keep temperature around 14-21 C. Protect from predators including mice, slugs, birds, and excessive moisture, cold, dryness, or heat.

A grow tray with seed starting soil and a dome is perfect. Once seedlings start sprouting, make sure light is good and temperature cool to avoid stretching. Seedlings can handle near freezing temperatures and love greenhouses or cold frames. Seedlings like very light fertilizer and an all around 5-5-5 or a 5-1-1 are sufficient. Once seedlings have grown a few sets of their own leaves they can be transplanted into bigger containers.

The bigger the container the bigger the seedlings will grow.Yields will vary dependent on container size.


Yields under natural light: (possible to get more or less depending on grow conditions)

2-4 ounces 3 gal pots (plants will finish 2-4 weeks earlier)

1/4-1/2lb in 7 gal pots (plants will finish 1-2 weeks earlier)

1/2-1lb in 20 gal pots

1lb + 30 gal and more (plants may finish 1-2 weeks later)


Organic Potting mix:

1 bale of pro mix, 5 gallons of composted manure. Use BioBizz grow and bloom according to their instructions.


Grow Outdoors:

Once seedlings are transplanted into their final container, make sure the pot or bed is in a well ventilated, well drained, sunny, warm place that is protected from mice, deer or other harmful elements. Water frequently but do not over water. Fertilize accordingly. Flush 2-3 weeks before harvest, and let soil gradually get dryer closer to harvest time.


Growing Greenhouse: (same as outdoor plus)

Very Similar to outdoors, but temperatures can easily get too hot. Above 25C problems like bugs and root rot can become issues. Ventilation may need to be implemented, and moisture levels may need to be regulated.


Growing Indoors: (same as outdoor plus)

Because all of Ancestral Seeds will finish outdoors under natural daylight hours, it can mean that indoors, the plants will be more inclined to flower (even under 18 hours). While great results indoors are possible, if you have flowering issues with our seeds try the following tips.

Generally you can keep plants from going into flower by having lots of soil, big containers, don't let soil get to dry, use a high nitrogen fertilizer like a 5-1-1 or 5-2-3.

If plants do flower prematurely, we recommend to transplant to larger containers, wait a few days and then prune all flowering tips way back. Also keep lights back, (to strong of light can trigger), keep slightly cooler when in vegetative. Because early outdoor strains need to trigger with relatively long days it makes outdoor strains harder to keep in vegetative state than most indoor. The earlier the phenotype will finish outdoors the more likely they will trigger indoors.

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